Xuanhe Zhou (周煊赫)
[Google Scholar] [Github]
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor
Dep. of Computer Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU / Jiaotong)
Email: zhouxh@cs.sjtu.edu.cn
I got my Ph.D. degree from CS of Tsinghua, advised by Prof. Guoliang Li.
My research interest lies in the design of various intelligent data systems, including database kernels, real-time feature computation platforms, data preparation systems, and etc.
We have published dozeons of papers in top-tier data management conferences and journals, with over one thousand of citations in Google Scholar and one best paper award (e.g., VLDB CCF-A).
We have been maintaining a most-starred repository of AI✖️DB paper list [link] at Github.
I am the AI SIG member of openGauss community [link].
I am actively seeking for strong and self-motivated 1-2 PhD students (Spring/Fall 2026), master students, and undergrad interns. Our Team owns GPU cards sufficient for experiments.
Build the data foundation in the AGI era together 🌤
Nov 25, 2024 | 1st Level Science and Technology Award for "An Open-Source Database for Large-Scale Enterprise Applications" (Led by Prof. Li) 🎉
Nov 4, 2024 | BMTools (with 2.9k stars at Github) is accepted by CSUR 🌤
August 20, 2024 | OpenAI adopts BIRD-SQL to show their finetuning service [news] 🎉
August, 2024 | I will join SJTU, Dep. of Computer Science, as Tenure-Track Assistant Professor 🎉
July 24, 2024 | Our D-Bot project is Now Sponsored by Azure AI 🎉
June 9, 2024 I My Two Papers (VLDB, ICDE) are selected into 2024 Highly-Cited List (2019-2023) 🌤
July 24, 2023 | Our FEBench paper is awarded the [website] 🌤
October 20, 2022 | 2022 Microsoft Research Asia Fellow [news] 🎉
Representative Projects
👉 D-Bot: LLM-Based Database Diagnosis System (with modelBest)
An LLM-based administrator that can acquire maintenance experience from textual sources, and provide reasonable, well-founded, in-time optimization advice for cloud instances.
👉 OpenMLDB: A Real-Time Feature Management System (with 4paradigm)
An open-source machine learning system that computes consistent features for training and inference.
👉 DBMind: A Self-Driving Database Management Platform (with openGauss)
Full-process autonomous database operation and maintenance capabilities, e.g., anomaly detection, root cause analysis, slow SQL optimization, index recommendation, fault self-repair, and etc.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
(*indicates equal contribution)
Yihang Zheng, Chen Lin, Xian Lyu, Xuanhe Zhou, Guoliang Li, Tianqing Wang.
Xuanhe Zhou, Guoliang Li, Zhaoyan Sun, Zhiyuan Liu, Weize Chen, Jianming Wu, Jiesi Liu, Ruohang Feng, Guoyang Zeng.
Wei Zhou*, Chen Lin*, Xuanhe Zhou*, Guoliang Li.
Xinyang Zhao, Xuanhe Zhou, Guoliang Li.
Guoliang Li, Xuanhe Zhou, Xinyang Zhao.
Wei Zhou, Chen Lin, Xuanhe Zhou, Guoliang Li.
Yang Wu*, Xuanhe Zhou*, Yong Zhang, Guoliang Li
Xuanhe Zhou, Guoliang Li, Wei Guo, Luyang Liu.
Xuanhe Zhou*, Cheng Chen*, Kunyi Li, Bingsheng He, Mian Lu, Qiaosheng Liu, Wei Huang, Guoliang Li, Zhao Zheng, Yuqqiang Chen.
Xuanhe Zhou, Guoliang Li, Jianming Wu, Jiesi Liu, Zhaoyan Sun, Xinning Zhang.
Zhaoyan Sun, Xuanhe Zhou, Guoliang Li.
Yuanning Gao, Xiuqi Huang, Xuanhe Zhou, Xiaofeng Gao, Guoliang Li.
(NeurIPS) Can LLM Already Serve as A Database Interface? A BIg Bench for Large-Scale Database Grounded Text-to-SQLs. [paper] [code] 🖐🏻 Spotlight
Led by Damo Academy (Binyuan Hui, Yongbin Li, et al) and University of Hong Kong (Jinyang Li)
Xinyang Zhao*, Xuanhe Zhou*, Guoliang Li.
Xuanhe Zhou*, Zhaoyan Sun*, Guoliang Li.
Lixi Zhang, Chengliang Chai, Xuanhe Zhou, Guoliang Li.
Xuanhe Zhou, Guoliang Li, Chengliang Chai, Jianhua Feng.
Xuanhe Zhou, Luyang Liu, Wenbo Li, Lianyuan Jin, Tianqing Wang, Shifu Li.
Chen Lin, Junqing Zhuang, Jiadong Feng, Hui Li, Xuanhe Zhou, Guoliang Li.
(ICDE Tutorial) Machine Learning for Data Management: A System View. [paper] [slide]
Guoliang Li, Xuanhe Zhou.
Guoliang Li, Xuanhe Zhou (first student author), Ji Sun, Xiang Yu, Yue Han, Lianyuan Jin, Wenbo Li, Tianqing Wang, Shifu Li.
Xuanhe Zhou, Lianyuan Jin, Ji Sun, Xinyang Zhao, Xiang Yu, Shifu Li, Tianqing Wang, et al.
(SIGMOD Tutorial) AI Meets Database: AI4DB and DB4AI. [paper] [slide]
Guoliang Li, Xuanhe Zhou, Lei Cao, Chengliang Chai.
(VLDB Tutorial) Machine Learning for Databases. [paper]
Guoliang Li, Xuanhe Zhou, Lei Cao.
Guoliang Li, Xuanhe Zhou.
Xuanhe Zhou, Ji Sun, Guoliang Li, Jianhua Feng.
(TKDE) Database meets artificial intelligence: A survey. [paper]
Xuanhe Zhou, Chengliang Chai, Guoliang Li, Ji Sun.
(Chinese Journal of Computers) Overview of database technology based on machine learning. [paper]
Guoliang, Li, Xuanhe Zhou, Sun Ji, Yu Xiang, Yuan Haitao, Liu Jiabin, and Han Yue.
Guoliang Li, Xuanhe Zhou, Shifu Li, Bo Gao.
Guoliang Li, Xuanhe Zhou, Sihao Li.
(Journal of Computer) A Survey of Machine-Learning-based Database Techniques. [paper]
Guoliang Li, Xuanhe Zhou, Ji Sun, Xiang Yu, Haitao Yuan, Jiabin Li, Yue Han.
Honors and Awards
2024 - Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award of Tsinghua (清华优秀博士学位论文)
2023 - VLDB Best Industry Paper RunnerUp Award (first author)
2023 - Top 100 Open Source Achievements by Benchcouncil
2022 - Outstanding Scholarship of Tsinghua University (清华特奖)
2022 - ByteDance Fellowship (10 Ph.D students)
2022 - MSRA Fellowship (12 Asian Ph.D students)
2021 - Zhongshimo Fellowship (钟士模奖学金)
2021 - Apple Scholars in AI/ML Nomination
2023, 2017 - National Scholarship
2021.10 - Tutorial of ML for Databases, AIMLSystems Conference. [website]
2021.08 - Invited Talk, The LADSIOS Workshop, VLDB Conference. [website]
2021.06 - SIGMOD Onsite Volunteer. [website]
PC Member - ICDE 2025, DBML'23 (ICDE workshop), AIDB'23 (VLDB workshop);
Journal Reviewer - TKDE, VLDB Journal, ACM CSUR
https://github.com/TsinghuaDatabaseGroup/datasets (Public archive)
2019-2022 Database Systems (THU/30240262), teaching assistant
Online Tutorial for Basic functions: https://thu-db.github.io/dbs-tutorial/
Online Tutorial for Advanced functions: https://thu-db.github.io/dbtrain-tutorial/
Last updated